
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fried Blue Cheese-Stuffed Venison

Venison is such a healthy meat - low in fat, all-natural, free-range goodness. Frying it just feels wrong. Here God’s given you an opportunity to enjoy a meal sans saturated fats, and you bite your thumb at Him and pillory your heart and arteries.

Oh well.

Here’s my latest abomination. Fried Cubed Steaks Stuffed with Blue Cheese. If you smothered it with gravy it would be the perfect food, though that could be flying a little too close to the sun.


1lb. Venison Cube Steaks
Mazola Corn Plus! Oil (I use this brand because it has, in about 18 different languages, stickers that claim it is heart-healthy, as if I’m just some Willy off the Turnip Truck who doesn’t know better. But I can point it to my wife and convince her. Also, I like shooting deer over corn. The symmetry is too perfect.)
2 eggs beaten (PS – why was the chef arrested? He was caught beating an egg! Ha! Heard it on a commercial.)
1 cup Vigo Italian Bread Crumbs
Package Crumbled Blue Cheese

Soak the cube steaks in icy cold water for an hour or so to leach the blood. Pat dry and cut the steaks into pieces about the size of a standard issue chicken nugget, making sure to trim any silvery sinew or fat. Dash with your favorite steak seasoning.

Take a dollop of blue cheese and stuff it in the middle of the venison. Wrap the meat around the cheese and secure with a toothpick. In one bowl, mix flour with salt and pepper. In another, the egg. The last one, breadcrumbs.

As the oil is heating in the cast iron skillet, toss the venison in the flour, dip in egg, and then roll in the breadcrumbs making sure to press the crumbs well into the meat.

The oil is ready when it begins to shimmer. Flick a little flour in and if it bubbles on the surface, you are ready to go. It doesn’t take but a couple minutes before the outside is browned and crispy, and the cheese is oozing.

A-1 is my go-to sauce here; Frank’s Red Hot is worth a dabble. Next time, I’ll rig up a horseradish accompaniment and see what can be achieved.


  1. You, sir, are the Devil. The Devil with a fantastic cookbook and style all of your own! Now I have to go take out some venison and buy some bleu cheese. Crap, now i am hungry again. Why, Ian, why!!

  2. I'm going to send you the bill from my cardiologist, as I, shamelessly, follow the suggestions of the culinary pied-piper...

  3. You Sir should publish a venison cookbook! I would buy a copy for myself and then a few more for gifts!

    Sounds sooooo yummy!

  4. Smack yo mama! Dang this looks slammin'. I agree with Kari....write yourself a cookbook so we can buy it!

  5. A cookbook, huh? Perhaps....thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the recipes!!!

  6. Holy cow (deer?), that looks amazing. Blue cheese and meat just belong together. I second the cookbook idea.


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