
Monday, December 6, 2010

Outdoor Blogger Network - Blogger of the Week

I am proud to share with you that the fine folks at Outdoor Blogger Network have selected Yours Truly as a Featured Outdoor Blogger of the Week.

I will accept my hefty monetary award with great humility and begin paying off my expenses from this season.

Seriously, I have not given a shout of thanks in a while, so I will in Oscar-winning format.

I thank the OBN for featuring me. This is a fantastic website for anyone who has interest in the outdoors. There's hunting and fishing and hiking and just a wealth of talented writers. It is impressive.

Would like to thank the Lakeland Ledger's Polk Voice, The Florida Times-Union, and Central Florida Online for risking the wrath of anti-hunters and allowing me to publish to their websites.

Thanks to USA Hunting Pros, Backcountry Sportsmen, and The Outdoor Show for tolerating me posting my blog entries on their Forums. Thanks to the other bloggers who are so supportive. Check out my Blog Roll. Proud to have these writers listed.

I'd like to thank all the readers. Thanks to God of all for the Great Outdoors, the friends who put up with me in camp, and my wife for whom I must purchase lavish dinners in order to go hunting...and thanks too, honey, for the bow, the duck prints and antique decoys, new boots, for not throwing away my Petersen's Hunting magazines, and recognizing I'm in deep thought when I sit at the computer grunting trying to think of another "joke."

I hope I didn't forget anybody!

I love to write. Love to hunt. It was natural. I tried to write my first story when I was 15. Petersen's actually paid me for an article once upon a time. This format does wonders as a creative outlet and provides an opportunity to share with others the adventures that await Out There.

Thanks for reading!

And thanks again!!!


  1. Congrats Ian once again!

    I always look forward to your posts and love your style. Keep up the good work over here!

  2. Outstanding Amigo!

    If I happen to get home next year, we should get together and do some hunting. I suggest waterfowl because I can't hit a beachball at 20 yards with a shotgun, and I figure it will add to the potential of a Pulitzer Prize book coming out of the adventure...

    Your friend,
    Albert A Rasch
    The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles: Meanwhile, South of the Border...

  3. Thank you, all. I do appreciate it!

    Let me know Mr. Rasch


Thank you for visiting my site. Please feel free to leave a comment. I do ask that it reflect a manner and tone appropriate for all audiences - not just the rogues from your huntin' camps. Cheers!