
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Florida Hunter Shot with Arrow

How do these things happen? Three possibilities:

1. Drugs and/or alcohol

2. A ill-conceived prank or joke that went horribly, horribly wrong.

3. Attempted murder.

Outside of this list, there is no adequate alternative I can accept, because if you have the common sense and intelligence God gave cole slaw, you ought to be able to distinguish a deer from your camo-clad buddy at archery distance regardless of your level of hunting experience. I guess that's a Big If for some folks.

The FWC and local law enforcement needs to warrant this case more than a quick once-over. Even if it was purely accidental, the shooter probably shouldn't be allowed to handle anything more dangerous than a feather duster the rest of his life. Pretty sad and pretty pathetic. Glad the victim will be OK.

Just a cautionary tale to remind everyone to pay attention in the woods this fall. A lot of bozos out there.

Hunter mistaken for deer shot with arrow


  1. Yet another story to give hunters a bad name. Good to hear the victim will be alright but this still makes me shake my head.

  2. never ceases to amaze me how seemingly intelligent people, end up doing really stupid stuff!

    Best Regards,
    Albert A Rasch™
    Pictures from the Front: Kandahar Airfield Bread Maker


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