
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

YouTube Video of the Week - Help with Shooting Clays

I was going to dedicate this week's video to the wild hog. I kinda wanted to post a hog hunt, but last week I received just a frightening batch of hate e-mails from anti-hunters about topics such as three-legged bears and Johnny Weir. Weird. Not that these threats and disparaging comments really bother me, I just don't want to provoke them any further until I find out who they are and where they live.

Kidding. Kind of. Strangely, they were all named "Anonymous."

Then I thought about posting some cute clips about wild pigs. So, I YouTube-searched the words, wild, hogs, funny. Guess what came up? Clips for the John Travolta movie, Wild Hogs. I've seen it and was shocked that combination of words produced those results.

Then I realized I could use this platform for good and help others address the inadequacies harming their outdoor activities. Since I just came off a clay shoot this last weekend, I've posted a couple videos (Yes! Two! Man, I'm nice) to aid those of you, who like me, have difficulty killing flying inanimate objects no matter how hard you try.

The first guy is a little dry, but I like his system. The cutie in the second video addresses the approaches to success in different clay and trap shooting scenarios. Enjoy!!!

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